
Declaration of will

In light of the growing need for sustainable economic growth, and with the conviction that a collective effort is required to achieve this, we have established Sustainability Groups: a non-governmental, non-profit, organization based in Sweden.


The primary purpose of Sustainability Groups is to use digital technology to support grassroots activists who are working in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A secondary purpose of Sustainability Groups is to contribute to improving our environment for future generations by accelerating the transition to a sustainable society through supporting initiatives that align with our primary purpose, educating the public, and influencing decision-makers.


Sustainability Groups develops digital tools and techniques for the benefit of grassroots activists in sustainability.

Sustainability Groups will also conduct education, campaigns, events, and other activities that promote sustainable development.

Sustainability Groups conducts its activities internationally in accordance with its purpose and applicable laws and regulations. The organisation does this work through volunteers and with the funds provided by the founders at its establishment plus any additional capital obtained through fundraising, donations, contributions or otherwise.


Sustainability Groups is the organisation behind the following initiatives:

  • Project Donne: AI powered socio-technical platform to help small islands accelerate towards 100% renewable energy.
  • RAID Manager: an enterprise risk management toolkit and global open data source to help grassroots sustainability activists navigate the opportunities and threats they face.
  • Jugaad Africa: supporting South Asian style non-conventional, frugal digital innovation, within grassroots projects across Africa.
  • Ownergy: a digital toolkit empowering community ownership of renewable energy assets in Sweden


Members are private individuals, companies, and organizations addressing issues of sustainability, environmental stewardship, ethics, social responsibility, health, and well-being.

Sustainability Groups was created by:

Corporate structure

Sustainability Groups Ek.F (Registered in Sweden 769641-3033) is a not for profit social venture, subject to supervision by the authorities under Swedish law, and shall operate in accordance with Swedish legislation to promote its purpose and be of public benefit.

Sustainability Groups is politically, and religiously independent. Its activities are financed by membership fees and other income. The association will actively work to counteract all forms of discrimination.

Sustainability Groups manages enterprise risk aligned with best practice from ISO 31000, HM Treasury Orange Book and the IRM.


Board members as of 1st January 2024:

  • Patrik Andersson, Chair
  • Neil Williams, Board Member
  • Greta Högberg, Board Member
  • Kent Andersson, Board Member