Enterprise Risk Management

Sustainability Groups’ Board and members efficiently track risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies (RAID) using the patterns, practices and technology we call RAID Manager.

RAID Manager has become an indispensable governance tool, enabling the organization to align its internal processes with its mission of advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The platform is used by the Board to manage critical risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies (RAID) in real time, providing a clear, organized view of the organization’s strategic and operational challenges.

The Board and senior management rely on RAID Manager to ensure transparency and accountability in their governance practices. By tracking RAID items across all levels of the organization, the tool ensures that key risks and issues are addressed promptly, preventing potential disruptions to the group’s SDG-aligned initiatives. Furthermore, RAID Manager’s centralised dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of all RAID items, ensuring that the Board can make data-driven decisions during meetings, supported by real-time updates.

Sustainability Groups also leverage the tool’s customizable templates, ensuring that risk categories are tailored to the specific needs of their organization, including areas such as environmental impact, social responsibility, and economic resilience. Automated alerts notify the Board and management of any critical developments, ensuring that actions are taken swiftly to mitigate risks. The integration of RAID Manager into governance processes has streamlined Sustainability Groups’ ability to maintain alignment with the SDGs, ensuring proactive risk management at every level of the organization.

By using RAID Manager internally, Sustainability Groups exemplify the effective use of the same socio-technical solutions they advocate for. This governance framework not only enhances operational efficiency but also strengthens the organization’s ability to drive global sustainability efforts through data-driven decision-making.